Wales Readathon

Winding Up the Week #213

This week we look at books read and reviewed, discover some of the best writing about literature on the blogosphere, catch up with all that’s been happening during the second week of Dewithon 22, announce Zoladdiction and highlight fascinating features from across the Internet.

Reading Wales 2022

Reading Wales 2022 has started! Here we display your Dewithon-related posts. Please share your reviews, features, interviews etc. with the book blogging community. Check back often for updates.

Winding Up the Week #113

This week we look at books read and reviewed, discover some of the best writing about literature on the blogosphere, catch up with all that’s been happening during the third week of Dewithon 20 and highlight fascinating features from across the Internet.

Winding Up the Week #112

This week we look at books read and reviewed, discover some of the best writing about literature on the blogosphere, catch up with all that’s been happening during the second week of Dewithon 20, pause for a podcast and highlight fascinating features from across the Internet.

Wales Readathon 2020

Wales Readathon 2020 has started! Here we display your Dewithon-related posts. Please share your reviews, features, interviews etc. with the book blogging community. Check back often for frequent updates.

Winding up the Week #63

This week we highlight books read and reviewed, look back at the final week of the Wales Readathon, discover some of the best writing about literature in the blogosphere and focus on fascinating features from across the Internet.