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My Blog’s Name in Books

Blogs in books

Everyone seems to be jumping on the My Blog’s Name in Books bandwagon, so why not me, too?

Spring arrived in Wales this week and the sunshine induced in me a book-reviewing lethargy. What I needed was a little light-hearted, not too cerebrally demanding fun – it came in the form of this currently popular distraction, My Blog’s Name in Books.

Quite a curious assortment of titles made it on my list. There were two novels from the wonderful Penelope Fitzgerald; a couple of classics; one I have no memory of downloading but it looks quite interesting; and the as yet unpublished Orchid & The Wasp, which I have agreed to read and review next month.

This meme and the main graphic were created by Lynne, the ever industrious book-blogger at Fictionophile. She has really started something!

The Rules:

  1. Spell out your blog’s name in book titles.
  2. Find the books on your TBR shelf. However, to complete this challenge, you are not permitted to add additional titles (i.e. ones that weren’t already on your TBR list when you started).
  3. Have fun looking through your shelves to find matching titles.











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